How Often Should You Get a Routine Cleaning at the Dental Office?

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What if you were sabotaging your teeth and you didn’t even know it?

In order to keep your teeth healthy and safe, it’s important to have them regularly cleaned. But most people don’t know how often they need to go to the dentist for routine cleaning.

Want to know how often you should go and why cleanings are so important? Keep reading to discover the answer!

How Often Should I Go For a Routine Cleaning?

How often should you go to the dentist for a routine cleaning? Honestly, it depends on the person!

For example, general guidelines recommend going for a cleaning every six months. And visiting the dentist a couple of times a year is typically covered by a good dental insurance program.

However, some people may need to go to the dentist more often to ward off things like gingivitis or to receive treatment for periodontal disease. In the latter case, patients may need to schedule a “deep cleaning” rather than a standard cleaning.

In rare cases, someone may be able to get away with only going for a cleaning once per year. But to play it safe, we recommend a cleaning every six months.

Why Are Dental Cleanings So Important?

Even dentists understand that the average patient hates to make a visit. So before you schedule your next cleaning, you may be asking a certain question: “why do I need a cleaning twice a year?”

The simple answer is that these cleanings are a form of preventative care to help protect against more serious conditions. On the most basic level, regular cleanings remove the buildup of plaque and tartar that can lead to cavities. And as we touched on before, these cleanings can help you ward off gingivitis before it turns into periodontal disease.

Proper Tooth Maintenance Between Cleanings

Now you know how often to go for a dental cleaning and why these cleanings are so important. But that leaves yet another question: what should you be doing for your teeth between cleanings?

As your dentist will remind you, it’s important to brush your teeth twice a day and floss them at least once a day. To help combat cavities and bacteria, you may want to add mouthwash to your regular oral healthcare routine.

Your dentist will also make recommendations based on your visit. For example, they may recommend a better toothbrush or something like a Waterpik to take your oral care to the next level.

Taking Care of Your Teeth

Now you know how often a routine cleaning is required and why it is important. But do you know how to make every single dental visit that much more affordable?

Here at Future Wise, we specialize in insurance programs to help improve your quality of life. To see how we can help with insurance for dental, vision, life, and more, simply contact us today!