Enroll in Obamacare: What Non-citizens Need to Know

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Do you want to enroll in Obamacare, but aren’t sure if your immigration status qualifies for healthcare coverage?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has several provisions for qualified non-citizens. The Health Insurance Marketplace also has private insurance options you can buy, even if you don’t have an SSN or any income.

Legal residents have the same healthcare coverage eligibility as citizens. Our guide will help you determine your eligibility status.

Who Qualifies to Enroll in Obamacare?

The ACA does not require citizenship for healthcare coverage eligibility. Permanent residents and temporary immigrants can enroll in Obamacare, as long as they have a “lawfully present” immigration status.

Lawfully present includes:

  • Qualified non-citizen immigration status
  • Humanitarian immigrant status
  • Non-immigrant visa (NIV) status
  • Legal immigration status

The list for each immigration status is long. There are several resources to help you determine your eligibility, including healthcare.gov, irs.gov, and dhs.gov.

The HealthCare site lists several common immigration statuses that qualify, including:

  • Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR)
  • Immigrants granted asylum and refugee status
  • Trafficking victims
  • Lawful Temporary Resident (LTR)
  • Federally recognized tribes
  • Temporary Protected Status (TPS)
  • International worker and student visa holders
  • Immigrants from Cuba, Hati, Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, or Palau
  • Legal status granted by the LIFE Act
  • Deferred Action Status (DAS)

Some provisions are trickier than others. For example, international students with certain visas may not be subject to ACA requirements but are still required by the state or university to purchase healthcare coverage. Some universities may even require enrollment in school-sponsored insurance.

LPRs may be required to apply for a dependent SSN before adding a dependent(s) to their plan. Asylum applicants are only eligible for ACA if they have an authorization to work, or are under 14 years of age with a +180 days pending on their application.

If you meet the legal immigrant status requirements, you can purchase private insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace at a lower cost depending on income requirements. These requirements are based on your yearly income compared to the Federal Poverty Level (FPL).

Who Doesn’t Qualify?

Despite DAS qualifying as a legal resident, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) does not currently qualify according to the Health Care Marketplace. Other exceptions that do not qualify include:

  • Undocumented immigrants without a legal status
  • Expired or invalid visas or other lapsed legal immigration documents
  • Current Incarceration (for both citizens and non-citizens)
  • Non-residents

To qualify as a resident, you must meet the substantial presence test.

Private healthcare coverage outside of the Health Insurance Marketplace may not be subject to immigrant status provisions. However, these plans may be more expensive or offer less coverage.

Find the Best Healthcare Coverage for You

Whether you want to enroll in Obamacare, shop around the Health Insurance Marketplace, or purchase private insurance, FutureWise can help you navigate the healthcare coverage process.

Contact us and we’ll be happy to help you find what healthcare coverage options you qualify for, and the best coverage to fit your needs.