How to Choose the Right Dental Insurance Plan for Your Needs

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Only 64 percent of Americans visited a dentist in 2019. Considering how important oral health is to your overall health, that percentage is incredibly low.

What’s stopping Americans from visiting the dentist twice a year?

For many people, the cost of dental care keeps them out of the dental office. The truth is, a dental insurance plan is more affordable than you might think. Read on to learn about the types of dental insurance plans available to you.

PPO Dental Insurance Plan

The first type of dental insurance plan you should consider is a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan. PPO plans give members the ability to pick a dentist from a large pre-defined network of dentists. If you don’t want to visit a dentist that is in-network, you may still be able to receive a partial reimbursement from your insurance company for out of network services.

When you visit your dentist, you will have to pay coinsurance. This is a reduced fee the dentist has agreed to offer the patient in exchange for services. Your insurance plan pays the rest.

HMO Dental Insurance Plan

The second type of dental insurance to consider is a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plan. The premiums for DHMO plans are generally less expensive than for PPO plans. Your copays will be less expensive as well.

The tradeoff?

DHMO plans can be much more restrictive than PPO plans. You must use a dentist that is in-network in order to use your insurance, and the network of dentists that accept DHMO insurance is generally smaller than PPOs. This can make it more difficult to find a dentist and can mean that it takes longer for you or your family to get an appointment.

Finally, if you need to see someone other than your primary dentist, you will need a referral.

Consider Your Needs

Whether you choose a PPO or HMO plan is going to depend upon a number of factors. Start by drafting up a list of items that are important to you. If you want to visit the dentist of your choice, and don’t mind paying a bit more, then a PPO plan may be the right option for you.

If you’re worried about costs, then you need to weigh all of the costs associated with an insurance plan. This can include premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and annual caps on coverage. If you need extensive dental work, then you should avoid a plan that caps coverage each year.

You should also look at what is covered in each plan. If you need dental implants, then you’re going to want to select a plan that covers that treatment. If you’re just looking for regular maintenance, then a standard DHMO plan is a great option.

Ready to Invest in Your Oral Health?

At a minimum, you should be visiting your dentist once every six months in order to maintain your overall health. A good rule of thumb to keep in mind when selecting your dental insurance plan is that an HMO plan will save you money, but require referrals from your primary dentists. A PPO costs a bit more, but you have more freedom to choose who you see.

Do you need assistance sorting out your dental insurance plan options? You’re in the right place. Contact FutureWise today to learn how we can help you and your family.