How to Get Immediate Health Care Insurance When You’re Between Plans

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Do you know how to get immediate health care when you’re between insurance plans?

Health insurance is always a scary topic. After all, most of us are only one bad diagnosis from ending up in crippling medical debt.

That’s why when you’re between plans, you need to know how to get care right away. With this guide, you can get coverage and breathe easy once again.

Short-Term Health Insurance

If you currently don’t have insurance, you need some form of coverage right away. The product you need, then, is short-term health insurance.

As the name implies, this is a form of insurance that lasts between 30 days and 12 months. It is specifically designed to fill in the gaps before you get longer-term coverage.

You can usually get short-term coverage very quickly. This is beneficial if you need to prove that you have some form of medical insurance.

The one real downside is that the Affordable Care Act does not consider short-term insurance as “minimal coverage.” Therefore, you may need to pay a tax penalty. But this is certainly better than getting hurt or sick with no insurance at all and paying everything out of pocket.

Who Needs Short-Term Insurance?

Wondering who needs short-term insurance? This health coverage was designed to help with a number of different scenarios.

Some people don’t have insurance because they are waiting for a new job to start or waiting for Medicare to kick in. In this case, short-term care can bridge the gap as needed.

Others may not have insurance because they are unemployed, laid off, or even on strike. In this case, temporary insurance helps provide coverage.

Finally, some people simply missed the Affordable Care Act deadline and will need coverage before they can apply for their primary insurance.

You Choose the Coverage Period

One of the best things about temporary medical insurance coverage is that you determine the coverage period. The minimum coverage is 30 days and the maximum coverage is 12 months, so you can pick what is best for you.

This means those needing short-term care aren’t “stuck” with a longer-term package (and vice versa). This flexibility means that you can find the perfect coverage plan from the best provider to suit your particular needs.

Advantages of Short-Term Insurance

There are more benefits to short term health insurance than choosing the coverage period. Here are a few of our favorite advantages.

One advantage is that premiums for this coverage are pretty low. You get the peace of mind of health insurance without breaking the bank.

Another advantage is that you can usually get very quick approval. This means less waiting and less paperwork.

Finally, you get to enjoy all the flexibility and peace of mind that comes from having insurance. You’d be amazed how much better you sleep at night when you’re not stressed about this!

Insurance for Immediate Health Care: Where to Go

Now you know more about getting immediate health care when you’re between plans. But do you know where you can get the best temporary insurance?

We specialize in keeping you and your family safe for as long as you need. To learn more about your short-term health options, come request a free quote today!