In Today’s Competitive Job Market, Employees Want Great Health Insurance

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What if a single change could help you recruit and retain the best employees?

Across the country, 58% of nonelderly people get their health insurance via employers. Workers rely on this coverage to protect themselves and their families.

So when it comes to choosing where to apply and whether to stay at a current job, many employers look for those who can offer the best health care benefits. You can attract and maintain the top talent to help your business succeed by offering better benefits.

Still wondering how companies with great health insurance attract the best workers? Keep reading to discover the answers!

Rising Costs of Health Insurance

One of the primary reasons that employees expect better health care benefits is that insurance is often very expensive. If someone is pursuing insurance on their own, they will pay quite a bit out of pocket.

As a result, employees often focus on jobs with health insurance. And when it comes down to jobs offering similar wages, a worker is far likelier to choose the job offering the best health insurance for employees.

How much of a difference does this make? Recent research discovered that 46% of employees said that health insurance was either the deciding factor or one of the positive factors when choosing their current employer!

Employee Loyalty

Recruiting the best employees is only part of the equation. Over time, it is vitally important for businesses to focus on keeping quality employees. Having to replace one of your top workers often costs time and money that your business doesn’t have to spare.

Jobs with health insurance (especially good health insurance) have an easier time retaining employees. In fact, a whopping 56% of employees with work-based insurance report that whether they like their coverage is a key factor in whether they stay at the job or not.

Many businesses ask “should I offer health insurance to my employees” because they worry about the cost. But since insurance helps you recruit and retain the best employees, it will quickly pay for itself.

Protection For the Whole Family

Why do workers seek out companies with great health insurance? Often, individual workers are less concerned about insurance for just themselves. Instead, they want coverage for the entire family.

Private insurance can already be expensive on its own. And the more people that need coverage, the larger those premiums will be.

Therefore, workers want a job whose health insurance helps protect the entire family. This saves them money and provides great peace of mind.

This, too, helps with loyalty and retention. Offering health insurance for someone’s family shows you are invested in their long-term happiness. That builds loyalty that encourages employees to stick around for a long time.

Get the Best Health Care Benefits Today

Now you know why health care benefits are so important to your employees. But do you know where to find the best coverage at the most competitive prices?

Here at FutureWirse, we help protect the “future” of your company. To see what we can do for you and your employees, just contact us today!