Is Dental Insurance Worth It?

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By some estimates, 100 million Americans don’t go to see their dentist every year. They might not be going for any number of reasons, fear, inconvenience, or even cost.

You’ve probably heard your dentist preach that you should be in every 6 months for checkups on your mouth and teeth. Then what if you need additional dental care? What’s the cost of all these dental visits and should you consider dental insurance?

Knowing the cost of your other insurances, you might be wondering is dental insurance worth it? Does the dental insurance policy cover enough to make it worth the cost of the premiums?

Read on to learn more about dental insurance coverage and what to consider when getting it.

Dental Insurance Policy Considerations

For most people, not getting medical insurance wouldn’t even be a consideration. You need it for worse case scenarios. If you become ill or in an accident, the idea of paying for care out of pocket is unfathomable.

Yet, those scenarios are often not the case with dental insurance, which is why many people wonder if it’s worth it.

You want to make sure you get a dental insurance policy, instead of simply dental benefits. Wondering how they’re different? Often dental benefits means you get only so much coverage per year.

For example, you might sign on for a plan that only allows you so much, say $1,000 a year for dental care. If you get two cleanings and a few cavities you will run out of coverage money and be paying out of pocket anyway. If you needed more significant care, like a root canal, the plan coverage amount won’t put a dent in the cost.

If you have a policy, and are careful that it meets your needs, then you can get the coverage needed and pay the co-pays and be ahead.

In other words, watch for plans that only allow a limited amount of coverage per year.

How Dental Plans Work

Most dental plans will cover basic cleanings twice a year as suggested by most dentists. Then you will pay a percentage of the cost of other needs. For example, if you need x-rays and have a cavity, you might pay 30% or 50% of the amount of that care and the insurance covers the remainder. This is often referred to as your co-pay.

Another thing to know about is dental policy waiting periods. Some policies won’t cover certain dental work, especially more costly procedures immediately.

Find a Policy That Meets Your Needs

Dental insurance can help the cost of your dental care as long as you are careful about what plan you buy. Make sure you really consider your needs for coverage.

You also want to look closely at what is covered under the plan, how often you can see the dentist, and what amounts the plan will cover.

Deciding for You and Your Family, Is Dental Insurance Worth It?

Is dental insurance worth it for you? As long as you are careful about the plan that you choose and what coverage it provides, dental insurance can be a smart investment.

For help finding a plan that’ll work for you, we can help. Contact us today to learn how we can help you find the right dental coverage.